Midnight rant part I


Assalamualaikum w.b.t :)

There's a lot of things going on in my mind now. Rasa macam nak burst out everything now but hey, no rushing now :) So tonight, I'm just gonna spill out a piece of my mind.

Couple, pasangan and etc.
So what do you think about COUPLE
Aku tak boleh nafikan, that COUPLE is the very very VERY common in the society nowadays. It's everywhere. Toleh kanan, toleh kiri, tengok depan, pandang belakang. Ia ada di mana-mana, kan? Don't lie.

Kawan-kawan aku pun ramai yang couple. Yang bercinta. But not me. Haha. I can be considered as one of the few that are not so lucky to have a special guy or be in a relationship. Wuwuwuw sadlife ;_; Well, I can't evade the fact that I AM JEALOUS of the couples. I mean, sweet talk, morning and night texts, on the phone all the time, caringness (eh ada ke perkataan ni? hmm lantak la asal org paham lol) and attention towards each other, fights, YEAH I. AM. JEALOUS. OF. THAT -.-'

I'm growing up. I'm a teen. I wanna be in love. I wanna have someone to do the things stated above with me. That's a normal feeling. But then, I kinda snapped up from those things. Tiba-tiba, aku rasa macam, PERLU KE SEMUA NI? Get my point? 

Okay guys, here it is. Nak bercinta, the feeling of love, sangat normal. No one can evade that. I mean, kalau dah ditakdirkan kita jatuh cinta dengan sape2, bukannya benda tu boleh dielak, kan? But COUPLE? Maybe, it's not the right thing for now. Bagi aku, PERSONALLY, I think, couple sekarang, bagi umur sebaya aku, lebih banyak buruk berbanding baik. Aku taknak hurai satu  persatu kat sini. Aku rasa semua pun dah maklum, kan? 

Aku bukan cakap kosong. I've been through all this. Aku pernah couple. Ye. Aku pernah buat semua ni. Tapi in the end, I realized that, it was a big mistake. No. It was not being in Love that was a mistake. It was, having a relationship in such immature age. And guess what?  I was carried away. Aku buat ape je yang ex-boyfriend aku nak masa tu. After kiteorang break up, I was seriously heartbroken.I can't even handle the consequences that comes with the price of having a relationship that eventually, tore me apart. I ignored my studies, people and everything around me. 

Bila aku dah sedar dan diingat balik, aku rasa macam, bodoh sangat. I was immature. Yet, I wanna do something that only mature people can handle. Ya Allah, aku rasa menyesal. Rasa berdosa. But, it was too late. Everything had happened. I can't turn back time now.

But, everything happens for a reason. After that, I decided that I'm not going into another relationship, until I'm mature enough to handle myself, and whatever comes ahead. RELATIONSHIP, IS NOT MY PRIORITY. Kalau dah jatuh cinta, macam aku cakap tadi, tak boleh nak elak. Benda hati dan perasaan, bukannya kita boleh buang senang2, kan? Okay now a confession, aku pun tengah suka seseorang sebenarnya. Huh. SEE SEE? Hey, I'm a girl. I'm a teen. IMPOSSIBLE aku tak crush dengan sape sape hehehe wkwkwkwk :3

But biarlah crush, sekadar crush. Suka, biarlah sekadar suka di dalam hati je. Aliff pernah cakap macam ni, 

'Kalau aku suka someone, aku simpan perasaan tu dalam hati je. Cinta, tak semestinya memiliki, kan?'

Well said Aliff :') Thank you /bows/

The point is, I recommend you guys, tak payah lah nak couple or be in a relationship for now. Bukannya MATI kalau tak couple. Bukan takleh hidup pun kalau tak couple. Kalau takde OXYGEN, tu baru betul boleh wassalam lol -.-' We have more important things to be taken care of like hmmm like, SPM! WOAH WA DAH SPM DAH NEXT YEAR WEH! Ahahaha padan muka xP

Haha okay selingan je tu. 

The time will come for us then. That suitable and right time. Our jodoh will come :') we have to find it, yes, but not now. Let's just fall in love with the beauty of Additional Mathematics or Physics (or maybe Niall James Horan) before we fall in love with the perfections of Allah's humble servant :') Haha merapu sungguh aku ni. Ada ke kaitkan Physic and Add Math dengan couple? Heh biaselah. Nama pun MIDNIGHT rant so bila midnight, dengan mata mengantuk, tambah pulak Phineas and Ferb tengah melalak kat TV dengan band Love Handel tu (ada kaitan ke? -.-') otak pun jadi lebih mudah merapu. LOL.

I guess, I'll stop here first. Dah takde idea nak merapu dah -.-' err. So, goodnight :')

P/s: Aku harap, takde yang terasa dengan post ni. As I highlighted above, this is personal opinion :') Mohon maaf kalau ada yang terasa. Assalamualaikum.