A Battle .


"Bukan senang nak berubah."

"But you have to try."

"I am. Tapi, susah. Harder than expected."

"Didn't you said you're making a good progress?"

"Yup. But, what if, progress tu menjunam jatuh nanti?"

"Kenapa negatif sangat dengan diri sendiri ni?"

"Entah. It's just, I felt like I don't have enough strength. Payah. Penat."

"Mengalah tu namanya. If you lose a battle between your own self, how do you expect to get through other challenges in life?"


"Seek help from HIM la. He knows the best. Turn to Him. He'll be in every steps you take."

" :') I will. Thanks."

Ya Allah, I need you. Everyday. Every moment. Every second that I breath. I need you. I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH ON MY OWN.