Thanks :')



There's this one night, i cried so hard like i'm outta my mind. Almost fell down to the floor. But then, Fiqa and Mek Mah quickly held me up and gave me their shoulders. Then Fiqa said this,

Meyza, remember something? You used to say to me 'Being a teenager ain't easy. We have to be strong to ge through this. And Fiqa, you're stronger than you think la. Okay? Don't cry." And now, I'm going to return this words to you. You're stronger than you think. Kalau tak, you wouldn't survive sampai sejauh ni. You have me, ada Mek Mah. Ada Itty, Cah, Pkah, Yaya and Yeng. Don't cry now.

Yeah. Maybe, I've been strong a lil' long enough. And that night, I felt my strength was all gone. But they gave me back my strength :') 

I may lost the most important persons in my life, but Allah replace them with the one that lights me up and makes me stronger.

Warning. Aku paling tak suka orang persoalkan pasal kawan-kawan aku. Aku tau baik dan buruk kawan kawan aku and aku terima diorang seadanya. And you guys have no rights to complain whoever I befriend with. Mind your own business.