Youth, Culture and The World
by Adina Ammyza.
Luls the title sounds very SERIOUS kan? Well actually i want to talk about something serious but I'll try to make it not so serious. So, it all started when people asks me why I choose NEW ZEALAND as the first choice for The AFS Student Exchange Program. Well, I told them that New Zealand is the only country on the list that has the most English speakers. LOL. I don't know French or Japan or Spanish or Mandarin. But I did put Italy and China as my 2nd and 3rd choice respectively. Luls. So tomorrow, if they asked me to speak Mandarin, i should just recite Exo M's lyrics like 'Listen, Gan Jue de me you?' LOLOLOLOL or 'Te Amor' if they asked me to speak in Spanish. But, I hope not. Amin.
Okay now, let's get back to the point. And oh, I want to tell you that this most will be majorly in English. Because I think that this topic is appropriately talked in English luls ayat aku. But no worries, BAHASA MELAYU BAHASA IBUNDA TIDAK HAMBA LUPAKAN ewah ayat aku klasik betul. Terbawa-bawa dengan novel 'Bagaikan Puteri' la ni -.- Luls Okay okay aku dah start ke lain dah. Ehemmm. Kay. So, they asked me, aside of that reason? Kay. I said, I'm interested in studying their culture. I mean I personally think that Australia and New Zealand are exotic countries. Because? They have unique culture. It's not like China and Italy aren't. They cultures are also unique, especially Chinese. But since Malaysia has many Chinese, so I think I'm pretty used to their culture. And Italy? Well most of Italy's culture focus more on Art and Architecture. It's not that I'm not interested but I personally think that NZ's is more interesting.
Well generally we know that NZ's population are dominated by Europeans now, but there are still minority of Maori or Polynesians, the first people to discover the NZ Island. And those people has a very exotic culture, VERY DIFFERENT than my own culture. How do I say this. Emmm, they have special occasions with weird names LOL, like the Powhiri which is a welcoming ceremony to welcome guests. They have exotic dressing and accessories, dance and food. Well banyak sangat kalau nak bagitau satu-2. I'm attracted to see and study about Maori closer than ever. If I pass this interview, aku takkan sia-siakan peluang ni nak kenal orang Maori and diorang puna budaya. SERIOUS.
You guys might be wondering why am I so eager to study about other's culture? HAHA. Actually, FRS International Symposium is the reason. Because of that event I attended a few months ago, I suddenly become interested in studying the cultures around the globe. And when this opportunity came, I was like 'HEY THIS IS MY CHANCE! I SHOULD TRY MY LUCK! WHO KNOWS IF I'M CHOSEN, I'LL GET TO STUDY ABOUT OTHER COUNTRY'S CULTURE.' That's what I thought. I remembered what Tun Mahathir said about culture nowadays ;
'It's possible if one day, there would only be one culture in this wide world.'
Guys, cuba fikir. If there's only one culture in this world, what would you feel when you go anywhere, and you see people doing exactly the same thing as you. WARGHH BORINGNYAAAA -.- Apa guna pergi jauh sampai Paris tapi budaya diorang sama macam kita kat Malaysia je -.- Lahaii tak fun weh tak fun -.- Kita pergi nak kenal negara orang alih-alih kita tengok diorang pun sama je dengan kita.
The fact is, CULTURE IS VANISHING. REPLACED BUy ONE CULTURE, FROM EUROPE. Yes. Banyak budaya sekarang menerima pengaruh Eropah. Dan macam Tun cakap tu la, tak mustahil satu hari nanti hanya satu budaya sahaja yang akan hidup di dunia ni. Budaya dari Eropah lah yang dimaksudkan Tun. Jujurnya, aku sayang budaya dan adat Melayu :( Dan aku taknak adat dan budaya kaum aku ni mati suatu hari nanti. Aku nak nanti anak-2 aku tahu budaya dan adat resam Melayu. Pepatah Melayu cakap, 'biar mati anak, JANGAN MATI ADAT' tapi aku taknak dua-2 mati LOLOLOLOL HAHA.
Okay so the point is, I think orang muda sekarang should backup or defend diorang punya culture. This is to ensure the variety and colors of life. HAHAHAH ayat aku -.-
Okay i should stop. I want to do some reading on China and Italy then I'll go to sleep. Esok is the big day. I want to get enough sleep. Plus i need to save my lappy's battery so i can do some reading in the car tomorrow.
So guys, I'm asking you for your prayer and support. Doakan semoga temuduga esok berjalan lancar. Insya-Allah your kindness hanya Allah yang dapat balas :') Thanks for all the support and prayers. I love you guys. Goodnight and Assalamualaikum kalau tak jawab dosa kalau jawab sayang luls :)
p/s; Ye entry aku sangat skema malam ni. Aku pun taktau kenapa -.- luls.